And Raskin was an illustrator as well as a novelist. She created over 1000 book jackets, including classics like the original cover of A Wrinkle in Time. And alongside the jackets, she created children’s picture books - large format, bold designs, a story or poem to lead you from the start to the finish. Over the last few years, having become a proper Raskin-head, and having even made the pilgrimage to her house in Greenwich Village (a memorable day!), I’ve started collecting the picture books. Most if not all are out of print here, if they ever made it over at all. I spot them on eBay and at funny old book auctions - only online; you never see one in a charity shop. What I love about them being out of print is that it’s exciting to track them down, and then get your copy in the post and find out that it has library binding, or an Ex Libris plate from somewhere unusual.