As many die-hard players will tell you, the standard practice from the main story - raising a cool Pokémon up to a high level and sticking some high-damage moves on it - isn’t going to get you very far. Instead, if you want to have any kind of success playing online, or in the demanding Battle Tree and Battle Royal modes, you’ll need to do some real work, involving complex breeding chains, item farming, strategic training, and more. Here in this guide, we’ll be telling you exactly how to do all of that, step by step, so players of any level can get their hands on the strongest Pokémon possible. Note that, as of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s release, we’re still updating this page to double check all of the below methods work. In theory though they’re all the same - so don’t expect many changes! Generally, if you want to build a competition-ready team, all of your Pokémon will need to have Perfect IVs, Perfect EVs, and the optimal Nature, Ability, Moves, and held item. It’s a fair bit to balance, so below we’ve gathered together guides for everything you need. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon Competitive Training Guides
Pokémon Sun and Moon IVs explained - how to judge Pokémon stats and get max, 31 IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed IVs Pokémon Sun and Moon EVs - the best EV training locations for every stat and EV training explained Pokémon Sun and Moon breeding - how to breed 6IV Pokémon and pass on Abilities, Natures, Egg Moves, and Poké Balls
You’re going to want to decide what ‘build’ you want for your team first - which Pokémon, moves, Natures and everything else you deem the best - but that’s a whole other kettle of fish, and it depends much more on both the state of the metagame at the time, your strategy, and just your own personal taste (this is for fun too, after all!). This guide, however, aims to show you how to actually go about it once you’ve decided what it is you want to achieve, be that a comedy team full of Special Attacking Magikarps or a top-tier competition squad. And you’re done! We’ll be updating this guide very soon with some added detail, so keep on checking back for more, and don’t forget to check out our main Pokémon Sun and Moon walkthrough and strategy guide hub for everything else!