The best PUBG loot locations, despite the ever-changing nature of flight paths and reachable drop zones, tend to stay the same, and normally have the same sort of thing in common between them: lots of loot, lots of players, lots of chances to get killed before you’ve even started. Here, we’ll discuss the best loot locations in PUBG for all four maps. This page is part of our guides to each of PUBG’s maps. For more, head to our dedicated pages on Sanhok, Erangel and Miramar, Vikendi or look at all of the best PUBG loot locations in one place. On this page: We’ll start with Erangel’s loot, breaking it down into sections, from high-quality high-risk through to low-quality low-risk locations, and then do the same for Miramar just below. Do note, of course, that things like the relative “risk” of a location varies from game-to-game of course - Miramar’s Hacienda, for instance, is high risk because it’s popular and regularly under the flight path, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be the odd game where it’s far enough from the flight path for you to race there early and loot in relative safety! Military Base:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Very High

The Military Base, on Erangel’s smaller, southern island, has the most consistent amount of high-quality, military-grade loot. Military grade means things like level 3 helmets and body armour, plentiful scopes and attachments, medical gear and assault rifles. It’s almost always busy, but it’s so huge that your whole squad could loot it and not notice another one doing the same. Aim for the three long buildings in a U-shape for dense amounts of loot that’s easy to work your way through. If you can get here from a flight path that’s quite far away, say via fast vehicle like bike, then it’s an incredible place to loot in peace - but just be wary of “bridge trolls” waiting to ambush you on the way to the mainland. School:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: Very High

The School - the big, central square-shaped building by Rozhok - is massively popular, and thus massively dangerous, because it’s dead central positioning almost always puts it within landing distance of a drop from the plane. The loot isn’t military-grade, but there’s probably a full squad’s worth there - if it’s at the edge of parachute distance then fighting it out with (and hopefully defeating) one other player or squad is a great way to set yourself up for a very strong push into the late game. Lots of level 2 gear, good weapons and attachments and medical loot, too. The nearby “puzzle” buildings to the east (that look like jigsaw pieces on the map) are a great place to break out to, as is Rozhok. Just be wary of how open you are in the fields around it! Pochinki:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Very High

Stop landing here! Unless you want to practise, warm up, or die quickly that is. Pochinki has good loot and loads of it, but it’s always packed, it’s very hard to know where other teams are (and so very easy to be killed by them) because of the sheer number of places to hide, and it’s just generally an all round death zone. Great for practise though, or emergency looting if you’re travelling through and short of gear later on, but there are other similar options with slightly lower risk and slightly higher reward that aren’t far away. It’s fine to go for it, just don’t expect it to be safe, ever. Hospital (plus Georgopol crates and southern buildings):

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

The Hospital-Georgopol-crates area is all sort of connected. The best place is probably the Hospital - the H-shaped building just south of the town - as there are vast quantities of loot that’s just below military-grade packed into its various corridors here, enough to kit out a full squad. The containers, or creates, to the east of the town is the next best place to go. The handful of warehouses are the place to start, then work your way through the containers - and most importantly onto the top of them - to hoover up lots more good loot. Again, a squad can pretty much stock up here. Finally the buildings - on the south coast, not the northern one, which can be surprisingly frustrating in terms of loot-to-time-spent-looting ratio - are also full of good quality gear. You start to learn the interal structure of these houses quite quickly and can turn it into a very quick procedure with some practice. The lowered risk for all of these areas comes from the fact that they’re out on the west coast, meaning less frequently under the busy flight path. Mylta Power (and mini Power):

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: High Risk: Medium

A personal favourite, the east coast’s Mylta Power is a go-to drop when it’s on the edge of the flight path. Thanks to its positioning, a path close to Mylta Power is also close to the Military Base, Mansion, Prison and Novorepnoye, which are all more popular options - and often distract players away from the Power plant. The loot here is occasionally military grade, although there’s not quite as much of it. If you’re dropping here directly aim for the roof of the large rectangular green building, clean that out, then go to the warehouses around it to finish off the sweep. Mini Power is a great little spot nearby. A single, unsual power plant structure with some outhouses around it, the very top floor often houses sniper equipment and we’ve frequently found level 3 gear here too. Normally only enough for one or two players though, so it should be coupled with a visit elsewhere (like the main Power plant!) if you’re in a squad. Be wary of rogue players though - we frequently find one or two stragglers turn up as we loot ourselves. “Novo,” or Novorepnoye crates:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

Novo is a funny one - it’s right in the corner of the map so can leave you a bit stranded, but there’s always access to boats which can be very useful when used well (to sneak into the late game). The shipping containers (crates) are the best spot, so start with the warehouses there, then go through (and over the top of) the containers. Loads of loot here, but the houses nearby aren’t so good, and be wary of both Military Base players and bridge trolls as you leave. Prison, Mansion and Shelter:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Medium Risk: High

We’ve bundled these together as they’re all nearby, and all small, dense, self-contained areas that are popular but solid options for looting, especially if you commute there from a more distant flight path to give yourself a safety buffer before anyone else arrives. They generally have enough loot to kit out two people, or spread a bit thin between a full squad, and are popular. You’ll often be battling it out with another squad, which can slow you down but also leave you in a great spot if you come out on top. Medium-grade towns (Primorsk, Rozhok, Quarry, Ferry Pier, Water Town, north Georgopol, Zhorki, Severny, Lipovka, Yasnaya Polyana):

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

Various “other towns” not specifically mentioned so far can often blur into one. They generally have loads of loot at a decent standard, but it can take a while to actually get it because it’s so spread out between large numbers of buildings. Their popularity is heavily dictated by the flight path - generally they’re very popular if they’re right underneath it, and much less so if further away from the plane. Very solid options and not at all to be ignored, especially if you feel you can get there quickly and safely, and have enough time to either grab a vehicle or get to the safe zone when you’re done. Settlements, shacks, villages and buildings:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

The more you play, the more you’ll familiarise yourself with these assorted clusters of buildings around the map, and will probably have your own names for them amongst squads. Having a few “go-to” options that you repeatedly visit is a good way to get really familiar with your surroundings and increase your chances of winning face-offs with other rogue squads nearby. The loot is normally servicable, if a little sparse. A mix of level 1 and 2 gear with some kind of “long” gun in each cluster, mixed with some SMGs and Shotguns. You can get by on these if you have to, but ideally only when you have to.

The best PUBG loot locations on Erangel. The best PUBG loot locations on Miramar. The best PUBG loot locations on Sanhok. The best PUBG loot locations on Vikendi.

Hacienda del Patrón (otherwise known as the murder house)

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Very High

An absolute death trap but great fun and full to the brim with weapons, scopes, and level 3 gear. The works. If you fancy a shoot-out with a chance at the best stuff, go for it. The issue is this is bang in the middle of the map, so there are almost always people here, and it’s now so well-known that often you can bike across half the map at top speed and still find someone waiting to pick you off as soon as you walk in the door. Its deadliness is particularly prominent because of how small it is. Imagine Erangel’s School, only more condensed, with better loot. Pecado Casino and Gym:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Very High

Basically an alternative to Hacienda, this is another death trap right in the middle of the map with great loot and loads of people in one tiny area. Use these two places to warm up or to practise your combat skills, but you should really avoid them in games you’re trying your best to win, unless you can be the first to arrive there from a distant flight path - but you’ll have to be rapid if you do. Note that some reckon the Gym building is actually better for loot than the more popular and well-known Casino. Prison:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

The Prison has probably the best loot in the game, and loads of it, especially in the main prison building (the one with broken down walls as points of entry and, you know, the prison cells inside). The issue is it’s right in the bottom left corner of the map, and on an island of its own. That means it’s hard to reach, it’s popular when it is in reach because suddenly everyone wants to take their chance to go there, and it’s also a nightmare if you get bad luck with a circle appearing at the other end of the map. There are vehicles to be found though, and there’s nothing like tearing into the third circle at the last minute with level 3 gear to put the fear of god into campers. Campo Militar (Military Base):

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

Very similar to the Prison, only more spread out. Tonnes of loot but it’s often either too far away to be worth it, or too popular once it’s in reach. It’s great for a squad, but not so much for a single player, as the loot is just so spread out, despite its quantity and military quality. Of the two, the Prison is better in our opinion, and also a little more fun, too. Los Leones:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Very High

A bit of a Pochinki, this one - not a lot of point in landing here outside of practise or the fun of early shoot-outs, because there are other places just as risky but with better loot nearby, or indeed less risky with the same quality of loot. The abunance of high-rise buildings means you’re exposed when travelling, and enemies could be absolutely anywhere. It’s vastly popular and slow to loot - but, all that said, there is a way to do it right. Land in the warehouses to the south, and aim for the brown-brick ones that have an upper floor on the inside and some rooms within. These warehouses generally have good automatic rifles and even up to level 3 gear in them if you’re lucky, too. They’re less popular than the main town and faster to loot, and there’s good access to vehicles and roads nearby to make an escape to a safer spot once you’re done. Ladrilleria:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Low

Why does nobody land here?! Maybe they will now - this is a personal favourite, perhaps because we’ve had some good luck or perhaps because it’s a hidden gem. Ladrilleria, we find, really varies in quality and quantity of loot. The small, fenced-off outside area has sometimes had four M416’s and a load of ammo and level 2 gear lying around, and sometimes been full of nothing but pistols. It’s almost always empty though, and the bonus is that it’s right by a couple of those good brown-brick warehouses across the road, there’s a town just to the north, and almost always vehicles by that road too. It doesn’t always pay off, but if you’re going for a safer run then we like our odds here. Minas Generales:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Medium

Similar to Ladrilleria, this place, we’ve found, can be weirdly quite for such a central location. Our guess is that people are distracted by the shiny Hacienda, Pecado, and Los Leones hubs nearby and just overlook it. There’s a huge amount of good but not incredible loot here, enough for a full squad, with the Graveyard nearby for overspill if you need to top up. The bases of the large mining machines tend to have some of the best stuff, with decent gear on top of them, and normally some real treats inside the more administrative, multi-floor buildings in the area. It can be a bit slow to work through is the only issue, and whoever wins out at palces like Pecado and Hacienda nearby will be a threat. Medium-grade towns (Impala, Puerto Paraiso, Los Higos, El Pozo, Monte Nuevo, San Martin, Power Grid, La Cobreria, etc.):

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: Medium

Just like the medium-grade towns in Erangel, these places have large amounts of decent loot, but how safe they are depends on how nearby the plane is at the start of the game. If it goes right over the top, there’s normally somewhere better to go nearby. If it’s far away though, they make very solid options, especially when you’re sure no one else landed in the area. The issue is the time it takes to clear them out due to how spread out the loot is, but if you have time then the quality is actually good. Keep an eye on the clock and use them situationally, and you’ll do well. Concrete structures - a hidden gem:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Low to Medium Risk: Low

It’s a specific type of building that you need to bear in mind here: the pair of concrete structures, one half-finished, without a roof in just a regular rectangular shape, and the other with two floors, one interior staircase and an accessible roof. Believe it or not these actually house military-grade, level 3 gear on the regular - we’ve frequently been fully kitted out in Level 3 chest and backpacks with snipers or M416s from raiding just one or two of these. There isn’t a huge quantity of loot in them though - normally one or two ARs, some shotguns and backpacks, and then the good stuff like helmets, armour and sniper equipment. There’s a fantastic route you can do to raid several of these, coupled with some of the above red-brick warehouses, in quick succession: land on the western edge of Los Leones, where you’ll see a couple of these complexes nestled together. Work your way south through them and then across the road to the south again, where there are multiple warehouses and more of these complexes too - it gets busy though, so beware, but the loot is often superb! Settlements, villages and warehouses:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Low Risk: Low

It can sometimes feel like loot is harder to come by here than on Erangel, but don’t discount the various small settlements, houses and warehouses that are around. Learn the shape of them - the long ranches with a staircase and balcony at each end, the two types of warehouse, the square houses, and so on - and if you can sweep them quickly and move onto others nearby, you can do surprisingly well. The issue is that Miramar, uniquely, is quite hard to get around at any kind of speed, thanks to its tricky terrain. If you’re going for smaller settlements then, try to pick some with lots of others nearby that you can work through. If you’re out in the sticks with no roads and cars nearby, you’re in for a bit of a miserable game.

The best PUBG loot locations on Erangel. The best PUBG loot locations on Miramar. The best PUBG loot locations on Sanhok. The best PUBG loot locations on Vikendi.

PUBG update #29 is live: here’s our guide to the latest PUBG patch notes for update 29 to get you up to speed. Meanwhile, we’ve dedicated pages on the Sanhok map, Erangel map and Miramar map and Vikendi map, too. If you’re after some broader advice, our list of PUBG tips and tricks, PUBG weapon damage stats and the best weapons and best PUBG loot locations can help.

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: High

The classic Military Camp situation, only there are three of them on Sanhok. These are located in the east, west and south of the island and, although they’re slightly different inside, all contain similar kinds of loot to a similar degree - and a similar level of risk. The strange, modular-looking buildings are quite easy to navigate quickly, but it’s incredibly rare you’ll reach one of these without anyone else joining you, so be prepared for a fight - albeit maybe a slightly smaller one than on other maps thanks to them being split into three. Paradise Resort:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: High Risk: Very High

The Paradise Resort is Sanhok’s version of the Hacienda or School, being a big, obvious central point that’s reachabale from any flight path. The loot, in our experience, usually isn’t worth the risk as a result, which a high quantity of good but rarely exceptional loot being outweighed by the sheer number of people who land there, especially on such a condensed map. Bootcamp:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: High

This one might as well be another military camp, carrying similar buildings and loot quality and quanity. There’s plenty to grab here, and you’re less desnely packed in with enemies like you would be at Paradise Resort, but it’s still very central and as a result, very high risk. Escape into the nearby hills to the east, just as you would to the hills north of Erangel’s Military Base, if you do manage to do well here. Just don’t linger for too long as the rest of the match’s players close in around you. Ruins:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: High Risk: High

The density of the loot here - maybe not the highest amount in the world, but it’s very close together - combined with the quanity of it makes Ruins a great spot for looting, even in a squad. It’s high risk, because it’s an interesting place that naturally draws crowds, but usually worth it. Do be aware that it’s easy to get lost or disorientated beneath the ruins here though, and as a result quite easy to get flanked, too, but if you’re up for maybe one quick skirmish before a quieter midgame with great loot, this is a nice one to try. Quarry:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Medium

Loads of good, if not exceptional, loot here, in an area that’s nice and easy to navigate. We’ve often found it to be surprisingly quiet - maybe one or two passers-by - in our games, but do be aware that you’re very exposed, on all sides, as you work your way through looting the quarry. Do it well and you’ll come out really well equipped, and there’s enough decent-quality loot for a full squad, but avoid the temptation to stay too long. Mongnai:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Low Risk: Low

Nowhere is safe on Sanhok, of course, but Mongnai is one of the least dangerous places you can loot a decent quality of gear for yourself or maybe one partner. It’s a kind of conconut farm, up in the north-east norner of the map, which keeps it away from many flight paths and the attention of those in search of an instant fight. Not loads of loot here, but we’ve found some great quality stuff in our visits when we’re looking for a stealthier game. Cave:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Medium

There are a lot of guns here, but you’ll probably only find enough supplementary gear for a duo. It’s relatively quiet on most games, but busy when there’s a direct flyover as people like to try and glide down through the big hole in the ceiling. The density of loot is great - there’s a medium amount of it but it’s all very close together, meaning you can sweep it and come out well equipped pretty quickly. There’s also usually a jetski you can hop on for a cool escape if you fancy it, too. Ban Tai:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Low Risk: Low

Not loads of loot here, but usually enough for two of you and it’s usually very quiet - your might face a race to land first but after that initial scramble with one other player, it’s yours to loot safely, and if you come up short it’s only a short trip to Camp Charlie nearby. You can also head out onto the water with a boat if one spawns nearby, giving you an easy route up through the centre of the island to the rest of the match. Nice if you want a secluded, low-key early drop! Other towns and general settlements on Sanhok:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: High Risk: High

There are loads of other settlements on Sanhok all around the island, but all of them, if they’re within flight range, carry a significant risk, just simply because of the size of the map. Loot on this map in general is high in quantity and density, as it was built to be a fast-paced setting compared to the others - and you’ll come out of any town in very good shape - if you survive.

The best PUBG loot locations on Erangel. The best PUBG loot locations on Miramar. The best PUBG loot locations on Sanhok. The best PUBG loot locations on Vikendi.

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Medium

This used to be a place where you could get crate-only level gear with relative ease, until it was patched once the secret became an open one. Now, it’s still a good spot, but it’s more akin to the Cave on Sanhok or underground bunkers on Erangel in terms of quality and quantity. To get in, you need to ram the rocks with a vehicle or throw a grenade at it to destroy them. It’s fun, at the very least, and often still worth the effort! Cosmodrome:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: Medium

People mistake the Cosmodrome for a military camp level of loot quality, when in reality it’s not quite that good. It’s still got plenty of gear, but it’s more spread out amongst the buildings and lower floor of the main cosmodrome. Avoid scrambling around in the tower for too long, as there’s actually not much there and it’s too spread out. This ones best for when it’s further from the flight path so it’s less busy, too. Dobro Mesto:

Loot quality: Very High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

This is our go-to spot for top-tier loot on Vikendi, thanks to the main large building here in particular, where we’ve frequently come out with full level 3 equipment across the board after a quick run. There’s also the rest of the surrounding town to help pad you out, easily enough for a full squad or two, too. It’ll be a nightmare when under the flight path but it’s great if you can get there first and relatively unopposed.,/p> Dino Park:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Low

Dino Park’s loot is a bit spread out, and it’s easy to waste time going from one small snack shack to another, but the actual quality and amount is decent for a solo or duo run, especially given we’ve often gone there and faced no opposition at all. You’d think a theme park would attract crowds, but this is actually our choice of quieter spot for solo runs. Castle:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: High

Buckets of loot but at a risk: it’s easy to get lost in its many corridors and basements, it’s hard to escape safely thanks to the obvious roads off the mini island, and it’s directly under the flightpath. All that said, there is so much loot here, so if it looks relatively quiet when you’re parachuting down, go for it. You’ll come out with more ammo than a level 3 backpack can carry. Villa:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: High Risk: Very High

Every new PUBG map’s got to have a villa, hasn’t it? This one is most like the Paradise Resort on Sanhok: several large buildings with plenty of loot in, but there are so many people landing here - right under the flight path, and obvious like the School - that it’s rarely worth it for anything but a fun hot drop, in our opinion. Volnova:

Loot quality: High Loot quantity: Very High Risk: Medium

A massive town filled with loot, but without quite as centralised a focal point as Dobro Mesto with its big main building. That means it takes longer to sweep the loot, and there’s more risk of being spotted going from one house to the next, so you’ll need to be careful. That said, the sheer size of the town makes it possible for you to get in and out without even being noticed, and it’s not as central as other spots, meaning you’ve got a better chance if you can land here quietly at the end of a nice long drop. Winery and Abbey:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Low

These are best taken as a nice one-two, starting at the Winery in the far south and then working inland to the Abbey. They both have plenty of loot, abd put together they have tonnes of it, and they’re also pretty tranquil in our experience too. Vikendi’s equivalent of the Prison-Mansion combo on Erangel, only seemingly quieter, for now. Other towns and settlements on Vikendi:

Loot quality: Medium Loot quantity: Medium Risk: Medium

Vikendi, being a smaller map, has plenty of loot just about everywhere, just like Sanhok. You’ll never be short of it, but most named towns here are hotly contested because the maps reduced size, and are often fairly unremarkable. Loot wherever you like, basically, but if you’re searching a fairly central town like Podvosto or Goroka, you’re going to have company, and you’re probably not going to have the payoff you’d get from a different, more specialised spot nearby instead anyway. Our recommendation is to avoid these places where you can get bogged down in firefights and stick to the wider, more niche spots instead, but it’s up to you!

The best PUBG loot locations on Erangel. The best PUBG loot locations on Miramar. The best PUBG loot locations on Sanhok. The best PUBG loot locations on Vikendi. PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 99PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 97PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 51PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 64PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 73PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 49PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 17PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 83PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 99PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 10PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 18PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 15PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 45PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 41PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 27PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 19PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 26PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 62PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 64PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 53PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 86PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 69PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 12PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 8PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 81PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 43PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 38PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 67PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 5PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 78PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 18PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 63PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 44PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 40PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 91PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 82PUBG loot locations   where to find the best loot on all maps - 40