More specifically, PUBG Mobile will soon get Liverpool branded outfits and items to unlock. It’s the first time PUBG Mobile has collaborated directly with a football club. To get the items, you have to complete a series of classic mode games. The promo runs from 12th November to 20th December. As is usually the case with notes to press on silly collaborations like this, there are some wonderfully cringe quotes from various executives. I’d like to highlight this particularly cheesy line from the wonderfully named Drew Crisp, senior vice president of digital at Liverpool FC: “In an increasingly digital world, we pride ourselves on being able to innovate and engage with our fans on the vast array of digital platforms they favour,” Crisp said. “With the realm of online gaming growing and evolving amongst our fans, PUBG Mobile is the perfect platform to connect with them in a different but very relevant context - intertwining the world of online gaming and football through the power of games and play. “This is a great opportunity for supporters to embrace their love of the club and interact with LFC on one of their favourite platforms, bringing together the physical interactive nature of football into the digital interactive world of gaming.” It’s not just crunch time for Crisp. Vincent Wang, head of PUBG Mobile publishing at Tencent Games, also had a silly quote to offer: “In PUBG Mobile, teamwork is a core principle to those who seek to win. In collaborating with Liverpool Football Club, a team renowned for their courageous camaraderie, we have found a perfect partner. “As we continue to strengthen our current bonds and develop prominent partnerships with iconic industry leaders, we look forward to further integrating the world of football into PUBG Mobile.” I’m not sure Liverpool is renowned for their “courageous camaraderie”. Passing and moving, maybe. For never walking alone, perhaps. For beating Manchester United 5-0 at Old Trafford, definitely. Wang’s quote suggests more football crossovers are coming, which sounds a bit like a threat. Do Chelsea next and we’ll talk.

PUBG Mobile is getting Liverpool FC kits - 29