In an interview with Famitsu, game director Chad Grenier along with Andy Boggs and Dan Hanhberg of Panic Button (the studio responsible for the port) spoke a little about the game’s expected performance on Switch. According to Boggs, Apex Legends will run at 720p when docked and 576p in handheld, with a frame-rate of 30FPS in both modes. Given that the Switch port will come with cross-play, some players have expressed concerns that Switch players will be at a disadvantage against other platforms (particularly given the game is capped at 60FPS on console and 144FPS on PC, with ways to get around the latter). As detailed in the Famitsu interview there will be an option to disable cross-play, so you can choose whether to pool with other Switch users or give yourself a real challenge against PC and console. Hopefully the Switch-only pool will have plenty of players for matchmaking. As for release times, Respawn has said the Chaos Theory Collection Event will start at 6pm UK, but the Switch port will launch sometime this evening. As Respawn is based in California, this might mean a pretty late start for us over in the UK - staying up for that will require some Devotion.