Storm Point, a beautiful island paradise located on the planet Gaea, stretches from its tropical shoreline up to the peaks of its towering mountains, making for Apex Legends’ biggest map yet - said to be around 15% larger than previous record holder World’s Edge. Respawn’s trailer gives a pretty good look at both the new map and its various points of interest, but the latter are detailed more thoroughly in the developer’s latest news post - outlining the likes of Apex Legends’ new Gravity Cannons, which aid traversal by firing riders in a predetermined direction. Storm Point is also teeming with aggressive fauna, found at new Wildlife Nests providing what Respawn calls “exciting new combat encounters” and “strategic looting options”. These are static, finite points of interest and, here, players will run into pack-hunting creatures known as Prowlers, plus swarms of large, web-flinging Spiders that spawn whenever players inadvertently (or intentionally) damage their eggs. Destroying Spiders and Prowlers will reward the likes of attachments, ammo, consumables, and crafting materials. Lastly are the Flyers, which spawn at a predetermined list of possible locations, soaring high above the map and dropping useful rewards for those that destroy them. Other drop locations and places of note on the new map include spill-off camps containing “great loot”, a “spinning platform with a honeypot of loot” known as the Barometer, a sprawling complex build inside a mountain called the Command Center, and a massive communications dish named the Antenna. You’ll find more details - including a look at the mountain top Lightning Rod, close-quarter-combat-focussed Storm Catcher, and massive shuttle wreckage known as Shipfall - in Respawn’s introductory post. Elsewhere in the Season 11 trailer, there’s a look at the new C.A.R. SMG weapon - which should be familiar to fans of Respawn’s Titanfall 2 - plus another carryover from that game in the form of new hero Ash, who was introduced to the Apex Legends line-up in a backstory video last week. Apex Legends’ eleventh season, titled Escape, launches next Tuesday, 2nd November, on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch.