Once it was the novelty of having these things on the go, plus the ease of playing vertical scrolling shooting games as intended in ’tate’ mode with the screen flipped (and without worrying about permanent damage like I used to when pushing a chunky old CRT on its side to play Ikaruga as Treasure intended). Now it’s just the abundance of classics that can be dipped in and out of at leisure - and the thing I love about the humble shmup is how immediate they are, making them perfect for short blasts. So here’s a list of some personal favourites, and a rundown of the shmups that are in almost constant rotation on my Switch. There should be an emphasis on the personal, here - there’s no science here, and an awful lot of bias towards my own taste for simple, spectacular shmups rather than those with fussy scoring systems. So there’s no Ikaruga here, I’m afraid - apologies, I do love it but I’m not going to pretend to be a master of its rigid polarity-based system (when - or if - Radiant Silvergun ever makes it to the Switch you can be assured it’ll be top of this list, though). Also, apologies. I know the term ‘shmup’ is an unsightly thing, and I understand if it gets your back up - it does mine too, but the fact is if I started calling them ‘STGs’ I’d come across like one of those pricks who insists it’s pronounced Moog, actually. Well, I am one of those pricks, it turns out, but shmups is what the wider world knows them as so shmups is what we’ll call them. If I had to pick just one to get you going, though, it’d be another M2 joint - more specifically, the excellent G-Darius which gets its most sumptuous outing here. It’s a pretty good entry point if you’re new to the Darius series, too - while the deranged Darius Gaiden remains the series’ high point for me, G-Darius is where you’ll find a more approachable, thrillingly ambitious take on the stately shmup complete with a dizzying number of routes and some electric set-pieces. It’s been subject to a number of updates, too, and with ver. 2 smoothing some of the harder edges down it’s now very much the complete package. But how about an all-new Game Gear outing for Aleste, in which M2 stays faithful to the limitations of the hardware and its 160x144 resolution while pushing the intensity of the action to the max? GG Aleste 3 is all that and is a dream of a game. It’s worth buying the entire collection for alone, and the fact you get a handful of Compile’s excellent 8-bit shmups besides makes Aleste Collection pretty much essential. This is a big, wide open shooter with levels you can get lost in, delivered with an aggressive parallax scrolling that’s dizzying in its depth at times. It might be adequate rather than exquisite to play - apologies if that’s sacrilege - but this is a deeply immersive shmup, which seems to be the point. If you want to surround yourself with Techno Soft’s 16-bit style, complete with FM synth heavy metal riffs, then Thunder Force 4’s your best port of call. My personal pick, though, is ESP Ra.De. The port’s another M2 joint, meaning it comes with all sorts of bells and whistles that help deconstruct the complexities of Cave’s scoring systems, and let you play through this sublimely handsome shmup pretty much any way you choose. Being both lazy and unskilled I tend towards the path of least resistance, so that I can soak up the atmosphere of this strange sci-fi bullet hell in which you dance through curtains of bullets that fly atop a gloriously realised near future neo Tokyo. The release was sadly overshadowed by shenanigans from disgraced publisher Dangen Entertainment, but that shouldn’t distract from the achievements of Protoculture Games. This is a shmup delivered with heart and soul, plus no small amount of chunk - if you like your action to shake the screen then Devil Engine is for you. This is an explosion of style and swagger, a student of the classics that’s not afraid to mix things up a little and a very good time indeed. I’ve recently fallen for the work of tiny Terarin Games - which I believe is predominantly one person, a cybersecurity engineer by day who knocks these incredible games up in their spare time - whose entire output can be found on the eShop, if you know where to look. Moon Dancer just hit the Japanese eShop and is good a place to start as any, an unashamed tribute to RayStorm with a familiar lock-on mechanic lending it a distinct flavour, it’s also an enjoyably energetic take on the genre that’s got a charm all of its own. My pick, though, is Gradius’ close relative Xexex. Developed by many of the same team behind Gradius 2, it’s a psychedelic spin-off which lifts liberally from fellow grand dame of the genre R-Type with its charge blast, though it ends up with a trippy flavour all of its own thanks to its lysergic aesthetic. It’s been hard to get your hands on previously, limited to a Salamander collection on the PSP or those fortunate enough to get an original board whose temperamental sound chip still works. Mine, sadly, doesn’t…

The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 78The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 85The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 63The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 60The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 85The Switch remains the best console for shmups since the Saturn   and these are some of the best - 68